As we work to address racism, inequity, and injustice at Duke, we have sought to move decisively and in ways that engage the needs of every part of our enterprise. At the same time, we must ensure that racial equity remains a sustainable priority for Duke, woven carefully into every aspect of our institutional strategy and culture. With these two goals in mind, we make the following commitments as a community.
If you have updates or additions to these actions, please send us a note.
Furthering the Excellence of our Faculty
Recognizing that faculty who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color must have equitable opportunities for hiring and advancement, we have initiated programs to further the excellence of our faculty.
Building Inclusive Excellence
Faculty Diversity Dashboard
Promotion and Tenure Policy Revision
Strengthening our Student Community
Recognizing that the student experience must be equitable, we are strengthening our student community.
“Foundations of Equity” Orientation Program
Fundraising Effort
LIFE Steering Committee
Student Ombuds Office
Supporting our Staff
Recognizing that all employees must have access to equal opportunities for growth and pay equity, we are initiating programs supporting our staff.
Annual Review Process
Comprehensive Campus Survey
Human Resources Data and Analyses
Advancing Training and Education for All
Recognizing that the work of anti-racism begins with education, we are advancing training and education for all.
“Foundations of Equity” Orientation Program
Annual Senior Leadership Training
Educational Resources
New Anti-Racist Curricula
Promoting Health Equity
Recognizing that socioeconomic and racial disparities often result in significant disparities in healthcare, we are striving to promote health equity.
Duke Health’s Anti-Racism Plan
Population Health Management
Investing in Leadership
Recognizing that diversity at the senior leadership level is critical, we are investing in leadership.
Faculty Leadership Program
Leadership Opportunities for Staff
Presidential Fellowship Program
Fostering Research
Recognizing our institutional mandate to generate knowledge in service of improving society, we are seeking new modes of fostering research.
Foregrounding Research
Institutes, Initiatives, and Centers
Institutional Research
Support for Scholarly Work
Engaging our Alumni
Recognizing that many of our graduates have and will continue to encounter racism, we are engaging our alumni.
Alumni Education and Programming
Gathering Feedback from Black Alumni
Revisiting Duke’s Institutional History
Recognizing our university’s historic connections to systems of racism and inequity, we are focused on revisiting Duke’s institutional history.
Naming the Reuben-Cooke Building
Renaming Jarvis Residence Hall
Engaging with and supporting our Durham and regional communities
Recognizing the complex socioeconomic challenges facing our city and region, we are engaging with and supporting our Durham and regional communities.